Tuesday, May 13, 2008

what's big in my committee - #16 (worship)

I thought I would pick a conversation starter (hopefully) with my fellow commissioners.

What committee are you on and what do you think are some key overtures/issues coming before your committee. (Who knows, it might even help the rest of us sort through the 100's of pages to focus in on key stuff!)

I am assigned to committee #16 - worship and spiritual renewal. So far, we only have two pieces of business. Both of them seem pretty non-controversial. One is a statement that we are brothers and sisters in Christ (and inviting the moderator to remind us of that regularly). The other is an invitation to churches to experience a "solemn assembly" - a prayer meeting modeled on Old Testament prayer gatherings, for the purpose of worship and spiritual renewal.

The other interesting piece to committee #16 (and 17), as I understand it, is that these two "added" committees are going to use the consensus model of decision making and share with the rest of the Assembly how that goes. That should give me something unique and interesting to blog about the first few days!

G.A Commissioners and Committee Assignments

At its 95th Stated Meeting on February 19, 2008, the Presbytery of Charlotte elected its Commissioners to the 218th General Assembly. Due to the membership of our Presbytery, we have an allotment of six ministers and six elder commissioners, as well as one Youth Advisory Delegate (YAD). Each commissioner and YAD has been assigned to serve on a committee at the General Assembly. Below is a list of our G.A. Commissioners and their committee assignments:

The Rev. Robert Austell (Good Shepherd Church, Charlotte):
Worship & Spiritual Renewal
The Rev. Joanne Sizoo (Minister at Large): Youth
The Rev. Larry James (Grier Heights Church, Charlotte): Review of G.A. Permanent Committees
The Rev. Eulando Henton (New Friendship Church, Huntersville): Church Growth & Christian Education
The Rev. David Speering (Troy Church, Troy): G.A. Procedures
The Rev. Shirley Hutchins (First Church, Hamlet): Bills & Overtures

Laleeza Yorn (Clanton Church, Charlotte): Theological Issues & Institutions
Jesse Hite (First Church, Charlotte): Committee Moderator - Board of Pensions, Presbyterian Foundation & Presbyterian Publishing
Nancy Nutter (Pleasant Hill Church, Charlotte): Social Justice Issues
Bobby Overcash (Calvary Church, Davidson): Form of Government Revision
Linda Schrum (Mulberry Church, Charlotte): Peacemaking & International Issues
Katie Dunlap (Star Church, Star): Ecumenical and Interfaith Relations
Cecelia Sizoo-Roberson (Myers Park Church, Charlotte): Health Issues